Speechi Story does not have enough english readers !

Thanks to Catherine for quoting us on her Educause blog as an “idiosyncratic” bilingual blog. I had to take a look at a dictionnary to understand what “idiosyncratic” means, since in french it sounds somewhere in between “idiotic” and “cretinic”. Well, after reading my dictionnary, I am not 100% sure I understand the word, but I am now convinced it is not a big insult (probably not a big compliment either).

Catherine complains that although the blog is bilingual, “sadly for non-linguists, discussions are still mostly in French”. I have the exact same feeling. When I started the bilingual part of the blog, I hesitated between two different blogs (one in french, one in english) or one “merged” bilingual blog.

The only reason I chose the second solution was that it allowed multilingual comments, which I think would really be something very interesting (I am reading lots of blogs, and I can tell you that e-learning experiences and culture vary a lot depending on blog language).

I can see in the stats that the proportion of english readers increases, but – apart Catherine – we don’t have discussions in english right now.

Again, english speaking comments or trackbacks are more than welcome.

English readers, if you keep not participating in discussions, I will harass you even more and will not hesitate to publish other english-only posts such as this one in retaliation.

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